Monday, April 26, 2010

My boys...

...are back.

In the space of 3 weeks:

  • I crashed my car
  • Chuck decided to compete in the Animalympics high dive event...although there was no pool
  • Pat proved that he's straight after all, and went off to chase after girls
As of today:

  • My car is ok now
  • Chuck survived the fall, and kept regaling me with the tale (tail?) of his adventure (at least, I think so. Despite my cat-loving ways I have yet to decipher the secret language of Meow)
  • Pat decided that maybe life on the prowl is not for him, and came back to my flat where I'm the only girl waiting for him. Hey, at least I can feed you Pat. That's something girl cats can't do, ha!
Not gonna post pics of my boys just yet because Pat needs a bath. Here's something much cooler:

ETA: Apsal gif file tak boleh berfungsi dlm blog ni? That robot is supposed to shoot lasers out of its eyes!

Lagi satu ETA: I'm taking Pat to the vet soonish for a little snip snip. Life in the wild has made him horny. I think he doesn't understand that Chuck is a boy just like him.
Boy cat + girl cat = baby cats 
Boy cat + boy cat = gender confusion and general gayness

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update

This post will be divided into several parts.

Part 1: Chuck's prognosis

Not very good. Vet says: no fractures, but his spine may have been twisted/herniated/terkeluar or something. Affected his spinal cord, so now he can't stand up, won't eat, won't drink, won't do anything except meow loudly and annoy the other patients in the animal ward.

So I looked it up: Spinal Trauma in Cats

Hmm. Corticosteroid injection? Done. Tapi kenapa Chuck still taknak makan sampai nak kena force feed? In the end dia kena stay kat ward until boleh makan sendiri. Then baru boleh bawak balik. In the meantime, I am forced to feed myself downgraded bread and peanut butter until my next paycheck. RM350 gone, for Chuck's sake. Itu pun belum habis treatment lagi tu, I am looking at roughly ~RM500 total for Chuck.

Conclusion: Chuck isn't looking good. My bank account is looking even worse.

Which brings me to...

Part 2: ~Financial Analysis~

I downloaded this cool app for my iPod called iXpenseIt. Bagus jugak app ni, setiap kali aku berbelanja aku akan enter dalam app ni supaya boleh keep track of my expenses. And yes, expenses untuk beli iPod dan segala lagu, apps etc yang aku download pun aku enter sekali. Yang sedihnya, bulan ni punya budget sampai dah -ve! Maknanya aku dah cecah tahap bankrupt, w/pun dalam bank account ada la sikit duit. Cukup makan sampai gaji, tapi tak cukup kalau Chuck punya vet bills sampai ke tahap ~RM 500 tu. Hurm, what do I do what do I do. Takkan la nak mintak duit mak pulak, aku ni dah beso tagun.

Ah, malas la nak pikir. Kalau takde duit makan je la roti kosong, gaji pun tinggal berapa hari lagi je nak masuk. I need something to distract me...

Part 3: Adam


Part 3: Some 'street fair', I don't even know

I went to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair in Times Square with my lovely not-sister Kak Munira. My thoughts:

  • Yes, the registration counter was supposed to open at 10. But who in the everloving world would actually open the counter at 10am on the dot, when people had already started arriving and standing in front of your frickin' counter? Who does that? See, when people have to register for something, open the counter earlier so that the early birds can register, go off and do their own thing, then come back when the event starts. That way, it won't congest the registration queue, and your staff won't be all kelam-kabut trying to ease the backlog that will inevitably happen. Well played, nuffnang, well played.
  • Somehow it struck me that the event staffers were ill-prepared to handle an event with ~800 people. Dunno, maybe it's just me. But I did hear some ~complaints from the other attendees about this.
  • Shit, f***, stop trying to spray your stinky 'deodorant' in my face, beeyotch! I don't want to walk out of Times Square smelling like cheap men's cologne okay!
  • Borders Borders Borders yay! Books Books Books Books Books hehehehehe
  • Lily stop it. You are broke.
  • Oh yeah.
  • Krispy Kreme is way over-hyped. Sikitnya choice of donuts. However, the donuts are delish, and the cream filling are abundant and overflowing.
  • Saw feather boas in several lingerie shops. People here wear those things? They made me giggle though, cos Adam wears them. 

Mega conclusion from today's post: Chuck is sick, Lily is broke, Adam is fabulous, and Gatsby stinks. The end.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

He brought lasers

Biasa dengar lagu Whataya Want From Me kat radio kan? Now watch Adam perform it live on the American Idol results show on Top 9 part 2 week.

Now how about a little acoustic rendition?

That Adam. What a great singer, and an awesome entertainer.


Aku selalu komplen yg hidup aku ni tak cukup exciting dan eventful untuk tulis dalam blog. That's why sebelum ni macam malas nak update. Nothing ever happens. Tapi bulan ni, bertimpa-timpa pulak events sampai aku nak tulis dalam blog pun tak sempat lol.

Mula-mula, aku pergi mengelamun dan langgar kereta orang. My excuse: I could have sworn there was a traffic light at the junction! Mimpi. Tu la. Ngelamun lagi.

Habis RM800 kat situ dan lagi RM900 utk bayar orang yg aku langgar tu. Bengong. 

Tanggal Jumaat 16 April 2010 adalah tarikh paling bersejarah dalam hidup kucing aku Chuck. Tetiba dia rasa daredevil dan terjun bangunan tanpa apa-apa safety harness/bungee cord/parachute. Alahai Chuck. Dah la makanan ko lagi mahal dari makanan aku (aku pun makan roti free je), ubat ko jangan cakap la. Bangkrap aku camni. Vet pulak bagitau belakang ko cedera dan ko taknak makan sampai kena manually feed. No, Chuck no. Please eat. I can't deal with this right now. Sian Pat dok sorang kat rumah. Sian ko, sebab kalau ko lumpuh macam mana aku nak jaga ko? Please get better. Please please please.

Shit, I'm crying now.

I'll continue later.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Cat in the window, cat on the ground

This is my cat, Chuck.

He was named after Chuck Bass. Yeah.

He is black, noisy, scaredy (cat), virile (as in unneutered lol) and mildly retarded.

He pees everywhere.

This is not Chuck, though I wish it was. Takde gambar Chuck tengah kencing okay

He is somewhat lacking in natural cat instincts. For instance, it just doesn't occur to him that not burying his shit after berak may get him killed in the real world. Cats bury their shit so that their enemies can't find them by the shitty smell.

(no, I'm not gonna post an image of cat shit here. That's gross.)

It also never occurred to him that it's kind of a long way down from the 4th floor window to the ground.

So today, he took the big leap.

Unfortunately, Chuck terjun terus ke bawah.

Are you tired of life, Chuck? Does the presence of your gay brother, Patrick, offend you? Am I a bad cat mommy? Or were you just distracted by the pretty, delicious-looking birds chirping outside the window?

Probably just the birds. Pat's not gay, just sexually confused. If he's gay I will rename him Adam. I haven't been the best cat mommy I know, but your expenses cost a bomb you know! And now, your vet bills OMG! My ATM card is crying!

Oh my noisy, suicidal, retarded cat
You hurt my ears, and now you hurt my pocket

Still, you and Pat are my babies. Get well soon, Pat misses you. It's kinda quiet when you're not around.

Friday, April 09, 2010


I was gonna post about vandalism, but got sidetracked by my fender bender, then got sidetracked by these pretty pictures. Priorities, I has them.


From here and here. I think you have to be a member to see the second link though *shrug*.

ETA: Original source

Monday, April 05, 2010


So, last Saturday I went to a perfume warehouse sale with Marina. Was kinda disappointed when I saw that most of the perfumes on sale were unheard-of brands and really old stock (Givenchy Amarige? Really?). Still, I did find one fragrance which I rather liked: Miss Sixty Rock Muse.

Also, my favourite find was a Givenchy eyeshadow quad, which has dark grey/plum in it! Yay! Boleh buat smoky eyes lepas ni! Glittery pulak tu!

Mine is Black Denim. Love love love.


Masalahnya aku takde banyak peluang nak menggayakan look ni. Takkan la datang kerja tetiba pakai eyeshadow macam orang nak pergi dinner. So, bila ada je peluang menjelma aku mesti akan try jugak buat smoky eyes walaupun pada hakikatnya tak la pandai pun. Kadang-kadang nak buat smoky eyes, tapi raccoon eyes atau panda eyes yang keluar.

Tengok, Adam Lambert pun pandai buat smoky eyes.

 Pernah sekali try heavily lined eyes tapi at the end of the day, I ended up looking like the raccoon above. Tapi...tapi...

Inilah eyeliner yang Adam gunakan! MAC Kohl Power Eye Pencil! Kalau aku ada eyeliner ni, aku pun boleh buat mata aku jadi macam dia!

(deep breath)

Kumpul duit. Nanti boleh beli makeup MAC walaupun hakikatnya aku pakai makeup 2 bulan sekali je.

Next part of my post:

Vandalism: Start 'em young!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sing with me

My most played song on iTunes:

I can listen to this on repeat all day. Oh, and while you're at it, do check out the original version from Led Zeppelin:

And Adam's version of the song, as heard on American Idol Season 8:

peace out

Friday, April 02, 2010


I started this blog in 2005.

Posted once, forgot about it and didn't return till 2010.

Let's see...

5 years ago:
I was 23.
I was still working in Ipoh.
I was still living with my parents.
I had a mad crush on a guy who barely noticed me.
I was friends with, or rather, thought I was friends with a lady who passed away late last year at the too-young age of 29. Never got to make amends with her. Never even knew she was gone until recently.
I started to realize that being different is not a good thing, when you're stuck with a bunch of ass-backwards makciks.

I am 28.
I am living on my own. Well, with 2 super destructive, noisy, unneutered male cats.
I am beyond having crushes. I legit think there is a heart shaped stone in my chest.
I have realized who my true friends are.
Being different is a good thing if your name is Stefani Germanotta. Me, I'm a normal person. Just different from the ass-backwards makciks.

Gif for your enjoyment:

Edit: Ntah naper gif di atas tak bergerak. Ah, biar. Tengok je la Lady Gaga about to be fierce.


I love Tumblr.

Here's mine.

Go go go


Spooky cat is watching you


Marina & The Diamonds

Marina and The Diamonds

Thursday, April 01, 2010


That 2nd degree is looking more and more attractive to me.

Story of my life

This is my life right now

That red truck is my self-confidence

Is the grass greener on the other side?

Shit, I wake up feeling bad and go to sleep at night feeling even worse.
It's not exciting for me anymore.
It's making me unhappy.
It's turning me into a person I don't want to become.
I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize it.
I should move on, before it destroys me completely.
It wasn't you who's destroying my soul.
I'm sorry.
It's me. I'm not made for this.