Sunday, December 26, 2010


So, I got myself a new camera.

Which, for a moment, re-ignited my latent love of photography. Suka ambik gambar tapi takde camera yang best. One day I will buy a DSLR...if I get that photographer job I'm applying for. Kalau tak dapat keje tu rasanya takkan beli kot DSLR sebab too expensive for casual photography.

Anyway, I went back to Ipoh.

Rainy afternoon on the highway...

Dinner with my parents consists of coffee and chicken rice

This is me airing my grievances to my parents...note the 'woe is me' expression

Next day: Taiping!

Clock tower - old towns have them

Siap ada phone box ala-ala London gitu

Lunch time at the famous Doli

Harga - RM4.00. Taknak makan sini dah.

RM5.00 untuk nasi ayam ni  :-/

The main event!

Person of the jungle


Boyo darat


Rusa ni pelik tengok kenapa ada beruk dalam kandang dia

Zaman dulu orang puteh panggil zirafah ni 'camelopard' sebab diorang ingat binatang ni hasil penyatuan unta dengan leopard. Setelah mereka mendapati bahawa hakikatnya unta tak boleh mengawan dengan leopard maka mereka tukarkan namanya menjadi 'giraffe'

Ini untuk test power camera je

Flamingos. Kena diberi makan udang baru dapat warna pink camtu. Kalau tak putih je.

The sign reads babi jokut/babi bodoh. Tak nampak bodoh pun, tapi aku tak pandai menilai sejauh mana kepandaian babi.

Dromedary lah. Dr. Kevin Lazarus, please fix this. Also, take better care of your camels please. They look sick.

 Waktu aku kecik dulu pernah teringin nak bela scarlet macaw ni tapi tak jadi bila dengar betapa bisingnya kakaktua yang dibela oleh orang belakang umah opah aku. Pagi petang siang malam - 'SQUAAAWWWKKK!!!!!' 

Harimau kumbang/panther. Aku ada bela yang kecik punya, namanya Chuck.

Badak sumbu bermalas-malasan di petang hari...

Saya ialah seekor seladang

Dulu aku ingat tapir ni lebih kurang sebesar kambing je, rupanya tapir dewasa lebih kurang sama besar dengan lembu

Macaw jugak, tapi jenis lain.

More pictures on my FB here.

Ada jugak singa, harimau, gajah etc tapi tak ambik gambar sebab bateri dah nak abis. 

Next photo session...people maybe?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crossroads of my life

I'm not terribly fond of kids.

I tolerate their presence but I don't go googoogaga over them either.

I'm actually better with animals than children, haha.

And yet, I wanna work here.

This is what I'll need to do:
1)  Write a really creative, out-of-the-box cover letter
2) Brush up on photography skills (they only need basics, training will be provided yay!)
3) Practise being more extroverted, fun and outgoing. I am actually quite fun-loving. Just that my current job has totally sucked out the fun side of me :(
4) The whole working with kids thing would be tougher because I can't fake it. However I am a woman, and I still have maternal instincts buried deep, deep within me. Just need to dig it out and present it to the world.

On the verge of making a life-changing decision.

Wish me luck.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Oh, crap.

I have tickets.

And look what I found on the Net today.

Protest all you want, tapi bila nampak perkataan 'PAS' dan 'kerajaan' tu, aku mula ragu-ragu tentang niat sebenar golongan yang nak memprotes ni.

My lovely Kak Munira predicted that this whole deal will be a major political issue. Looks like she's right.

I'm not well-versed enough in Malaysian politics to offer my opinion on the matter, so I won't say anything. Aku just harap yang nak protest tu, jangan menghujani perarakan aku (don't rain on my parade huhuhu) and just let us enjoy our concert in peace. 

Adam may be controversial, but he's not stupid. Daripada apa yang aku nampak dia tau nak respek culture and sensitivities orang so rasanya dia takkan buat aksi stage gay dia tu. Paling kuat pun mungkin cuit pipi Tommy Joe (bassist dia) je. 
Ok, macam ni cukup.

Pada masa yang sama aku jumpa artikel ni:

6 days left to the concert OMG can't wait

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Maneki Neko

Bila aku tengok gambar kittens on the net, aku heran camne photographer tu boleh buat kitten tu pose.

Bila aku nak tangkap gambar kitten aku, ini yang aku dapat. 

That blurry orange thing is my kitten. Please ignore the gigantic black and white creature taking up space in my small home.

Last-last this is the best pic I can get of my newest baby, Neko.

Well, at least you can see her face.


Anyway Neko is about 4-6 weeks old (says the so-called cat expert) and abandoned by evil humans. Of course, how could I say NO or GO AWAY I DON'T WANT YOU to that precious widdle thing? Gigi belum tumbuh, one side of her whiskers was singed off by the horrible kids in my block, and to top it off, she had an abscess (bisul) on her shoulder.

*Enter Lily the Cat Angel*

Daripada aku biar kucing kecik camni berkeliaran lapar, dan dibuat main oleh bebudak ganas kat block aku, or worse, kena langgar keta or kena tangkap dgn orang Vietnam utk dijadikan lauk, baik aku bela. At least she will have the best care I can possibly give. Instead of scavenging around in people's trash for food, she can now have these:

1) Vitamin kucing to maintain general health
2) Innova Evo cat food supaya boleh bertukar jadi kereta
3) Taste of The Wild cat food (perisa rusa!) kot nak merasa makan makanan yang sama seperti mountain lion kat USA.

Back on the topic of pet photography. Kucing besar tak susah nak tangkap gambar sebab diorang boleh dok diam. Extreme close-up pun boleh, contohnya:


As always, with the new addition to the family, time for me to do some ~planning~.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Neither boy nor girl

Watching my cat stagger around like a drunkard with bloodied balls is quite an experience.

(he's recovering from the anesthesia administered to him for his neutering)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Petang tadi waktu aku tengah sibuk menyelesaikan tugasan yang diberikan oleh bos yakni mencari lampu meja, berlaku sesuatu yang memang membuatkan aku rasa *facepalm*

Sambil aku merayau sekitar kedai lampu kat Bukit Tinggi, aku ternampak la ada couple ni tengah bergaduh. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang penuh dengan sikap apathy dan taknak ambik tahu hal orang, aku pun buat tak tau la pada couple tersebut. Ye la, hal rumah tangga orang buat apa pulak aku yang berumahtangga dengan kucing ni nak ambil tau.

Sekali, budak lelaki tu pukul awek dia! Aku yang waktu tu dah walk past the couple pun terhenti seketika. Betul ke apa yang aku nampak ni? Kes domestic violence happening out in the open? Sebagai seorang wanita yang bersikap feminis aku pun patah le balik. Tapi aku hesitate. Kalau aku masuk campur kang silap-silap aku pun kena pukul sekali. Lagi pun taknak la biz-bod. Aku linger dekat kereta aku dengan perasaan berbelah-bagi. Nak tolong ke taknak? Budak pempuan tu nangis-nangis minta boyfriendnya lepaskan tangan dia. Tiba-tiba muncul pulak perasaan prihatin, kasihan dan yang utama sekali, curious. Aku pun approach diorang.

"Er, awak berdua, sori, saya tak niat ganggu, tapi ada apa-apa masalah ke?" Inila soalan bodoh yang aku ajukan. Mesti budak lelaki tu pikir, memangla ada masalah cik kak oi, tak nampak ke saya pukul awek saya tadi. Hampeh punya budak. Nasib baik dia tak jawab macam tu, kalau tak memang aku sumbat roti Gardenia dalam mulut dia (the only weapon I have).

"Akak tanya la budak bangang ni, ada ke keluar kereta pastu terus lari lintas jalan? Sib baik tak kena langgar tadi tau! Bodoh, bangang!" kata budak lelaki tersebut. Adoi. Bukanla niat aku nak wish ill upon people, tapi kalau dua-dua kena langgar pun takpe. We don't need anymore stupid people in the world. Aku pun pasang muka unimpressed wolf (tm) aku.

"La, takkanla dia lari lintas jalan pun awak nak pukul dia? Apa masalahnya?" tanyaku dengan muka dan suara yang toye.

Ok, aku malas nak tulis dialog, tapi budak lelaki tu kata yang awek dia tuduh dia ada pempuan lain. Gaduh gaduh gaduh, bila sampai ke tempat tu (I'm guessing at the traffic light across the road) budak pempuan tu terus keluar kereta dengan niat nak lari dari boyfriend dia. Boyfriend dia kejar, gaduh lagi, jerit jerit (at this point aku lalu sebelah diorang) lepas tu kena sedebik. 

Unimpressed Lily: Erm, saya taknak tau masalah korang, tapi korang sedar tak yang kita ni berdiri depan kedai? Nampak tak ramai orang tengok tu? Apa kata korang masuk dalam kereta ke, apa ke, kalau ye pun jangan la sampai orang tengok, nanti diorang panggil polis baru tau.

(Wah wah wah helpful nya aku ni)

Budak Pempuan: Akak, suruh dia lepaskan saya kak!
Budak Lelaki: Ey, aku nak hantar ko balik, bodoh! Jom balik!
Budak Pempuan: Akak, saya taknak balik dengan dia kak, nanti dia pukul saya lagi!
Passersby: *watches*
Shop assistants: *peeks from inside their shop*
Concerned Lily (to the girl): Ok rumah adik kat mana?
Budak Lelaki: Bangsar!
This is Lily thinking WTF: Jauhnya! Camne boleh sampai sini? (Amende la soalan bodoh aku tanya ni. Like I said, *facepalm*)
Budak Lelaki: Ada ke dia suruh saya ambik dia kat Putrajaya kak? Pastu sampai sini lari keluar kereta, buang masa aku je, bangang!

(At this point aku mula menyesal sebab tanya apa masalah diorang. Aku tak kisah tolong, tapi please don't off-load your problems to me. I don't even know you.)

Lily, who by this point is tired of the shit: Erm, ok...
Kawan diorang yang muncul out of nowhere: Eh, marila aku hantar ko balik.
Budak Pempuan: (Nama kawan - didn't catch it), ko jangan sibuk la!!! Ko dah kantoi tau tak, aku nampak ko kat Unisel dengan (someone)!
Kawan dengan muka WTF: Eh, (someone's name) memang belajar kat Unisel...
Lily, who just wants to buy her fricking lamp: *sigh* (nampak polis datang) Ha tu, polis dah datang, lantak korang la, saya tak tau...

Dengan ketibaan polis ke situ aku pun quietly take my leave. Biarlah polis yang settle, it's out of my hands. Aku pun sambung survey lampu. Waktu nak keluar dari parking aku lalu depan diorang lagi sekali, polis dah separate kan diorang to be interrogated. Teringin juga aku stay nak tengok kesudahan drama ni, tapi cukup la sekejap aku enter frame. 

1. I am strongly against domestic violence, guys hitting girls, guys hitting guys, girls hitting guys, girls hitting girls (speaking from personal experience here) and humans hitting cats.
2. Prihatin ke penyibuk? Where does one draw the line?
3. Relationships can be complicated. I hope my relationships (with anyone) won't be like this. 
4. I also hope to never embarrass myself in public like this couple just did.
5. At last jumpa jugak lampu study yang simple design dan cahaya putih for just RM38. So expensive meh. Masa aku belajar dulu lampu study 20 ringgit je, dah tu merata ada jual. Student zaman sekarang dah tak pakai lampu study ke?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010


shipwreck cove at zakynthos island, greece

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010


1. Go to google

2. Type in lol limewire

3. Click I'm Feeling Lucky

4. Enjoy.

Ooop, lagi satu:

1. Type 2204355 dlm search bar

2. Again, you will feel lucky.

Hurr durr derp derp

Just had to post this here. Listen to Adam, then listen to the guy after him, then the girl after that.

Kristen Stewart, please register for public speaking courses at your nearest community college, thank you.

You too, RPattz.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Attn: Twi-hards


Just stop writing, kthxbai.


If you count yourself as one of those people, I'm sorry for your life.

Oh, and one more thing:

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Kak Munira punya latest entry inspired this.

Let's see now.

Humans falling in love with vampires - how original is this idea? Was Stephenie Meyer the first author to think of it?

Charlaine Harris started writing the Dead Until Dark series in 2001. The series was subsequently adapted to the TV show 'True Blood'. In this series, Sookie Stackhouse falls in love with a vampire.

Let's go even further back - L.J. Smith published The Vampire Diaries in 1991. The protagonist, Elena Gilbert is torn between two vampire brothers.

Stephenie Meyer published Twilight in 2005. I AM ASTOUNDED BY HER ORIGINALITY.

From Tumblr:

"Twilight is a four-part book series about a girl struggling to decide between beastiality and necrophilism"