Sunday, December 26, 2010


So, I got myself a new camera.

Which, for a moment, re-ignited my latent love of photography. Suka ambik gambar tapi takde camera yang best. One day I will buy a DSLR...if I get that photographer job I'm applying for. Kalau tak dapat keje tu rasanya takkan beli kot DSLR sebab too expensive for casual photography.

Anyway, I went back to Ipoh.

Rainy afternoon on the highway...

Dinner with my parents consists of coffee and chicken rice

This is me airing my grievances to my parents...note the 'woe is me' expression

Next day: Taiping!

Clock tower - old towns have them

Siap ada phone box ala-ala London gitu

Lunch time at the famous Doli

Harga - RM4.00. Taknak makan sini dah.

RM5.00 untuk nasi ayam ni  :-/

The main event!

Person of the jungle


Boyo darat


Rusa ni pelik tengok kenapa ada beruk dalam kandang dia

Zaman dulu orang puteh panggil zirafah ni 'camelopard' sebab diorang ingat binatang ni hasil penyatuan unta dengan leopard. Setelah mereka mendapati bahawa hakikatnya unta tak boleh mengawan dengan leopard maka mereka tukarkan namanya menjadi 'giraffe'

Ini untuk test power camera je

Flamingos. Kena diberi makan udang baru dapat warna pink camtu. Kalau tak putih je.

The sign reads babi jokut/babi bodoh. Tak nampak bodoh pun, tapi aku tak pandai menilai sejauh mana kepandaian babi.

Dromedary lah. Dr. Kevin Lazarus, please fix this. Also, take better care of your camels please. They look sick.

 Waktu aku kecik dulu pernah teringin nak bela scarlet macaw ni tapi tak jadi bila dengar betapa bisingnya kakaktua yang dibela oleh orang belakang umah opah aku. Pagi petang siang malam - 'SQUAAAWWWKKK!!!!!' 

Harimau kumbang/panther. Aku ada bela yang kecik punya, namanya Chuck.

Badak sumbu bermalas-malasan di petang hari...

Saya ialah seekor seladang

Dulu aku ingat tapir ni lebih kurang sebesar kambing je, rupanya tapir dewasa lebih kurang sama besar dengan lembu

Macaw jugak, tapi jenis lain.

More pictures on my FB here.

Ada jugak singa, harimau, gajah etc tapi tak ambik gambar sebab bateri dah nak abis. 

Next photo session...people maybe?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Crossroads of my life

I'm not terribly fond of kids.

I tolerate their presence but I don't go googoogaga over them either.

I'm actually better with animals than children, haha.

And yet, I wanna work here.

This is what I'll need to do:
1)  Write a really creative, out-of-the-box cover letter
2) Brush up on photography skills (they only need basics, training will be provided yay!)
3) Practise being more extroverted, fun and outgoing. I am actually quite fun-loving. Just that my current job has totally sucked out the fun side of me :(
4) The whole working with kids thing would be tougher because I can't fake it. However I am a woman, and I still have maternal instincts buried deep, deep within me. Just need to dig it out and present it to the world.

On the verge of making a life-changing decision.

Wish me luck.